I'm Moving!
Hello all
I've been quiet here for the last couple weeks. A new home for my blog is in the works. I'm moving it to Substack. There are a couple of reasons for this. Wixs restricts the number of email that I can send notifing subscibers of new posts. I can get around this by paying more than I already do but Substack doesn't have this limitation. Substack also has a better design, easier to work with. There is also more of a sense of community on Substack. While Substack promotes paid subscriptions My blog will remain free. They also have a feature called "notes" which are similar to social media posts. I've been getting used to this new platform and still have a lot to learn. I like it so far and think it suits my purposes well.
So my request to my subscribers here is to give my Substack blog a look. I plan on keeping my website for now, just my blog location will change
Meanwhile here is a drone shot from a few years ago. This is Elmira, Ontario. Please sign up below to follow my work.